Technology Transfer Unit, University of Moratuwa, The Enterprise
The Technology Transfer Unit (TTU) of the University of Moratuwa the Enterprise, serves as the bridge between cutting-edge university research and real-world applications. Our mission is to evaluate, protect, and commercialize university innovations while fostering strong industry collaborations.
What We Do
Innovation Evaluation & Protection
We assess university inventions and secure patents, industrial designs, copyrights, or other suitable IP protections to maximize their commercial potential.
Technology Licensing & Commercialization:
Our team facilitates licensing agreements, industry partnerships, and technology transfer negotiations, ensuring university innovations reach the market.
Industry-University Engagement
We act as a catalyst for collaboration, connecting researchers with industry partners to drive innovation and solve real-world challenges.
Startup Incubation & Entrepreneurship Support
Through the university incubator, we support budding entrepreneurs by providing mentorship, , legal guidance, and business development support to transform research into successful startups.
Contract & Agreement Management
We handle negotiations, legal agreements, and commercialization contracts, ensuring smooth technology transfer and compliance.
At TTU, we are committed to translating research excellence into economic and societal impact, empowering innovators, and strengthening the University of Moratuwa’s role in shaping Sri Lanka’s technology-driven future.


The development of thehigher education sector is of central importance to enable Sri Lanka to make the transition from a Lower-Middle Income Country (LMIC) to an Upper Middle-Income Country (UMIC). Recognizing this, the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) and the World Bank have agreed to support the higher education sector through a Bank funded Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) operation. One of the main activities of this initiative is to promote R&D and innovation-based technology licensing and transfer, particularly through university-business partnerships. At the University of Moratuwa, this endeavor is affected through the University-Business Linkage (UBL) Cell established under the Enterprise – Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship& University-Business Linkages, directed by the UGC Circular 10/2016.

The implementing agency is the Ministry of Higher Education and Highways (MHEH). The University Grants Commission (UGC) will coordinate the activities of the universities. There will be an Operations Monitoring and Support Team (OMST) which will coordinate and support all AHEAD activities between the MHEH, UGC, and the universities. AHEAD has three Results Areas, and UBLC Cell under the result area 3; Promoting Research, Development and Innovation

Eco system

  FORM  1A/1B Tech Brief (TB)
  FORM  2 Non- disclosure Form (NDF)
  FORM  3 Inventor disclosure agreement (IDA)
  FORM  4 Incubator Agreement (IA)
  FORM  5 Incubator Agreement (IA)