1. Evaluate Your Idea
Before proceeding, consider:
• Is your idea novel and innovative?
• Does it address a real-world problem?
• Could it have commercial or societal impact?
If the answer is yes, the Enterprise can guide you in the next steps.
2. Keep Your Idea Confidential
Avoid early disclosure!
Publicly sharing details (e.g., through papers, conferences, or discussions) before securing IP protection can limit your options.
Before discussing your idea externally, contact the Enterprise. We can help you assess the best protection strategy.
3. Submit an Invention Disclosure
To formally report your idea, submit an Invention Disclosure Form (IDF) to the Enterprise.
This helps us:
• Understand your invention and its uniqueness.
• Evaluate its intellectual property (IP) potential (e.g., patent, trade secret, copyright).
Identify possible industry applications.
4. Explore Intellectual Property (IP) Protection
We will assess the best IP strategy, including:
• Patent protection for novel and useful inventions.
• Copyright or design registration for creative works.
• Trade secret strategies if confidentiality offers a competitive edge.
We also conduct prior art searches to determine the novelty of your invention before filing for protection.
5. Commercialization & Industry Engagement
Once protected, Enterprise supports you in:
• Licensing to industry partners for commercial adoption.
• Startup formation through university incubation programs.
Guidance on IP protection, legal processes, and business strategies.
Connections with industry partners for potential collaboration and commercialization.
Access to incubation, and startup support through university innovation programs.
+94 112640051 Ext: 1886